Implementation Resources by Public Health Principle
The Parabola Project has developed concrete and actionable toolkits and collected field examples to support the operationalization and translation of the nine public health principles as well as fill critical gaps in resources.
Ongoing Leadership Processes
These principles are essential for driving alignment, improvement, and coherence across a district. They are ideally centralized at the system-level and implemented by district administrators and teams.
Principle 1: Leadership & Culture
Quick Example: Getting Staff Input on Safety Procedures to Get Them Meaningfully into the Game
Quick Example: Early Lessons in Productive Over-communication
Quick Example: Welcoming Students Back With Joy
Principle 2: Risk Stratification & Prevention
Tool: A Balanced View of Risk
See more examples in the School Reopening Readiness Guide
Principle 3: Testing and Tracing
Enabling Systems and Structures
These principles must take into account existing facility layout, student populations, staffing, and timelines. Decisions are then likely implemented on a day-to-day basis by school leadership teams.
Principle 4: Screening and Triage
Quick Example: Self-Screening Protocol for Parents
Principle 5: Space Layout and Air Quality
Toolkit: Bathroom and Water Breaks
Toolkit: School Air Quality Assessment Guide
Toolkit: Winter Addendum - Air Quality Guide
Deep Dive: Arrival and Dismissal
Principle 6: Cohorting and Scheduling
Quick Example: Revamp High School Schedules to Minimize Contact
Essential Supports
These principles are critical to day-by-day learning and safety, providing front-line teachers with processes, tools, and practices for working with students and other staff members. These principles are highly local and reflect classroom-level context, such as individual student and teacher needs, grade levels, and room layouts.
Principle 7: Masks and PPE
Toolkit: Building a Mask Culture
Quick Example: Mask-Wearing to Reduce the Risks of COVID-19
Principle 8: Hygiene (Personal and Space)
Deep Dive: Safe Mealtime Procedures in Schools
Principle 9: Density and Distance
Toolkit: Bus Driver Support
Deep Dive: Teachers Adapt to New Classroom Constraints
These health and safety principles can be viewed further in depth by visiting our School Reopening Readiness Guide.
Teaching & Learning Practices
These tools and resources support teachers as they adjust to a different teaching environment with safety measures in hybrid models.